I am an expert writing and wellness coach who helps women prioritize their creativity and get published.
Join our thriving community of writers!
Getting published is the best way to share your story, inspire others, inspire change, and leave a legacy.
Your writing can transform other people’s lives (and your own), but not if your drafts are collecting dust. Top writers all have 1 thing in common: they’ve worked with a mentor to cross the finish line. Getting the support of a trusted guide is a game changer. It elevates your writing and saves you years of solo struggle.
Your writing and wellness ARE your priority.
I’m here to help you claim your space as the powerful writer and woman you truly are.
It’s time to stop putting your creativity and self-care on the back burner.
3.5 years of podcasting
16 years as a creative writing professor
15 books published by community members in the last 3 yrs alone
20 years as a professional writer
Hundreds of essays and articles published by the women in our community
I created WriteWELL writing and wellness workshops and retreats for women who are ready to prioritize their creativity and self care.
As a busy working mom, I know that writing and wellness can take a back seat to our many responsibilities. And when we’re finally ready to dedicate ourselves to our stories and souls, it’s SO overwhelming. Where to turn, what steps to take, who to trust? With no answers in sight, we often go it alone, and then we neglect our projects and pursuits. We abandon our dreams.
We abandon ourselves.
If you’re a woman who’s tired of putting everyone else first, let my guided journal, meditations, and wellness retreats help you fall back in love with yourself so you can rediscover the peaceful, joyful being you truly are.
And if you’re a writer who’s sick of going it alone, my community of women writers from all over the world welcomes you with open arms. With our support, you’ll finally FINISH and PUBLISH your stories (and make some amazing friends along the way).
Mama & Wifey
I’ve been with my chef husband, Jamie, for 17 years, ever since meeting him while we were both on vacation in Tampa, Florida. The rest is history. We are the proud parents to our 10 year old boy, Geo–a freckled miracle who loves legos, karate, robotics, ceramics, and comics. Most of my free time is spent loving on “my boys” every day and being the lucky recipient of their love.
Story-sharer: writer, podcaster
I love stories. Books have always been my steadfast companions, and I’ve been writing “books” since the age of 7. I’ve published 2 books–Of This Much I’m Sure, and Come Home to Your Heart–and countless essays in places like Cosmo, Authority mag, MindBodyGreen, Natural Awakenings, Here, Urban Wellness, Chicago Magazine, and more. I’m not scared to pitch magazine editors (though I will re-read the email 20 times before pressing send). I started my podcast, Heart of the Story, 2 years ago, as another means of telling my stories and interviewing other female authors. I’ve been a guest on many fun podcasts, like the Cathy Heller Show, Living Centered, Radically Loved, And So She Left, Daring to Tell, First Words, Write On, Author2Author, and more.
Teacher, mentor, coach, biz owner
I’ve been with my chef husband, Jamie, for 17 years, ever since meeting him while we were both on vacation in Tampa, Florida. The rest is history. We are the proud parents to our 10 year old boy, Geo–a freckled miracle who loves legos, karate, robotics, ceramics, and comics. Most of my free time is spent loving on “my boys” every day and being the lucky recipient of their love.
Community Builder
I’ve lived in many different places (midwest, east coast, down south, in cities, suburbs, and even an old-school airstream), and I seek community wherever I go. My family jokes that if you give me 24 hrs in a new place, I’ll find an amazing yoga studio, bookstore, and coffeeshop and will make friends at each place. I am constantly connecting and promoting women (Have you met so-and-so? You should talk to so-and-so!). So, that’s why in 2020, when the world shut down, I started my Writer Workout online community where women writers from around the world could meet every Monday to exercise their creativity. Most of the women who joined as founding members are still active members today and since then, they’ve recruited friends, family, and complete strangers! It’s an incredible group of females from all places, levels, and genres. As a result of Writer Workout, they’ve published hundreds of essays in places like Vogue, The Washington Post, Boston Globe Connections, Brevity, and more. This year alone, 7 of the writers were published in the NY Times. Even more importantly, the Writer Workout women have become close friends.
Wellness expert, yoga nidra instructor, retreat leader
Wellness is the other half of my being (hence while my company is called writeWELL. I’ve been practicing self-love for over a decade through journaling, meditation, and introspection. I’ve attended countless workshops and retreats to learn all I can about self compassion. Now I teach it to others. I’m a certified yoga nidra instructor (think: lying down meditation), and I lead women’s writing and wellness retreats at beautiful locations around the U.S. My chef husband caters them. Because my morning journaling and meditation practice is so integral to my wellness, I created an essay collection/guided journal called Come Home to Your Heart where I share all of my favorite prompts and practices. I also share meditations and reflections on my podcast, Heart of the Story.
City girl turned beach lover
I was born in Hawaii, but we moved to Chicago when I was three, and I lived there most of my life ‘till meeting Jamie and moving to Massachusetts (his home town). We lived there for almost 7 years before moving back to my hometown of Chicago, and we stayed there for 8 years until the pandemic and my father’s passing changed everything. We made the decision to move somewhere warm sooner, instead of waiting for retirement (our original plan). After selling our house and road-tripping the U.S. in an Airstream camper, we settled on the 30a area of FL, where we relocated to in July of 2022. We love living in a beach town. The warmth and salt water and beach walks have been doing us so much good. We love it there, though I miss my mom and sis. Luckily we’ve been visiting back and forth.
Beauty and Wonder Seeker
I am always on the lookout for beauty amongst the ordinary. I love pausing, noticing, and witnessing wonder. By writing, I capture these moments. By traveling, I expose myself to new experiences that make me feel fully alive. I love attending retreats solo to tune into my soul or going on girls trips with my mom and sis, where we hike and explore. Seeking the beauty right in front of me is the way I step off the hustle hamster wheel of life and have gratitude for the gifts all around me.
“I want to thank you a million times over for being the BEST teacher/editor/mentor — I owe this [publication success] all to you.”
— Charlotte Adamis, published in Hippocampus and Read 650
“Nadine Kenney Johnstone is an amazing instructor: she teaches and guides with skill and wisdom, and is also an encouraging cheerleader.
—Margaret Ghielmetti, published in the NY Times, and her memoir, Brave-ish was published in 2020
“Just do it! I have taken many writing classes where I left feeling overwhelmed without a plan to execute all that I learned. Not so with Nadine’s classes. You will learn and accomplish more than you ever believed possible.”
—Madeline Murphy Rabb, star of the award-winning documentary, Team Dream
Get inspired with Heart of the Story – a writing and wellness podcast for women
Catch interviews with today's top female writers and wellness experts like meditation guru Susan Piver, renowned astrologist Heidi Rose Robbins, publishing industry expert Jane Friedman, and bestselling authors Jenna Blum and Linda Sivertsen, just to name a few. I also share my own stories of healing, hope, and following my heart. Tune in every Sunday for these soul-nourishing mini-retreats or binge 160+ episodes!